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Anchor 1
  • Developed a dynamic controller to optimize the trajectory of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) with Cross-entropy method for Reinforcement Learning in Python

  • Experimented on CAV control algorithms and CAV coupling concept using real CAVs with ROS, RTMaps and DSRC and robot cars with Microchip and Arduino

  • Modeled a mixed trajectory optimization issue at signalized intersections into a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem and attained the optimal solution with Branch-and-Bound algorithm using C++ and AMPL

  • Processed traffic data with SQL, visualized data with ggplot, and statistically analyzed the data for investigating multiple-lane traffic oscillation characteristics in R and Python

  • Constructed a 3D network and formulated a binary integer programming (BIP) problem to optimize the CAV platoon trajectories economically and environmentally

  • Simulated and estimated traffic oscillation propagation along with a vehicle platoon with Control Theory (system linearization and stability analysis) and Digital Signal Processing techniques in MATLAB

  • Built an online teaching tool (a web game) for explaining transportation and infrastructure system with traffic data visualization using JavaScript and Google Maps API


1. Wang, Y., Li, X., Tian, J., Jiang R. (2019). Stability Analysis of Stochastic Linear Car-following Models. Transportation Science. Accepted.

2. Wang, Y., Li, X., Yao, H. (2019). Review of Trajectory Optimization for Connected Automated Vehicles. IET Intelligent Transport System, 13(4), 580-586.

3. Yao, H., Cui, J., Li, X., Wang, Y., & An, S. (2018). A Trajectory Smoothing Method at Signalized Intersection Based on Individualized Variable Speed Limits with Location Optimization. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 456-473.

4. Zhao, X., Wang, Z., Xu, Z., Wang, Y., Li, X., Qu. X. (2018). Field Experiments on Longitudinal Characteristics of Human Driver Behavior Following an Autonomous Vehicle. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Under revision. 

5. Wang, Y., Li, X., McClinton, W. (2019). Trajectory Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicle with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Working paper.

6. Wang, Y., Li, X. (2019). Mixed Traffic Longitudinal Trajectory Control at Isolated Signalized Intersection. Working paper.

7. Wang, Y., Li, X., Zhao D. (2019). Statistic Analysis of Heterogeneous Multiple-lane Traffic Oscillation. Working paper.


Computer Languages: MATLAB, Python, C/C++, JavaScript

Data Analysis: R, MSSQL, MySQL, SPSS

Lab: Arduino, Microchip, ROS, RTMaps

Others: AutoCAD, AMPL, ArcGIS


Traffic Flow Theory

Reinforcement Learning

Data Analytics

Operation Research

Control Theory

Embedded System

Paper and Presentations 

1. Xu, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, G., Li, X. (2019). Trajectory Optimization for A Connected Automated Traffic Stream: Comparison Between Exact Model and Fast Heuristics. In: Proceeding of the TRB 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

2. Wang, Y., Li, X., Yao, H. (2018). Review of Trajectory Optimization for Connected Automated Vehicles. In: Proceeding of the World Transport Convention, Beijing, China.

3. Wang, Y., Li, X., Tian, J., Jiang, R. (2018). Analytical Measures of Traffic Oscillation under Linear Stochastic Car-Following Laws. In: Proceeding of the TRB 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

4. Wang, Y., Li, X. (2018). Autonomous Vehicle Longitudinal Trajectory Control in Mixed Traffic with Machine Learning. Presented at the Automated Vehicles Symposium, San Francisco, LA.

5. Wang, Y., Li, X., Tian, J., Jiang, R. (2018). Analytical Measures of Traffic Oscillation for Linear Stochastic Car-Following Models. Presented at the Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee Mid-Year Meeting, Woods Hole, MA.

6. Wang, Y., Li, X. (2017). A Time-space-speed Network Model for Trajectory Optimization of Automated Vehicles. Presented at the Traffic & Granular Flow, Washington, DC.

Proposal and Book Writing
  • Assisted on Developing Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Tools for Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Applications, Proposed to USDOT & FHWA, Funded

  • Wrote a section of Transportation System Simulation Manual, Submitted to FHWA

  • Drafted Smart Corridor Control with Autonomous Vehicles, Proposed to Dubai Roads & Transport Authority

  • Helped on Enable Elastic Capacity for Transportation Infrastructure through a Cross-modal Modular Autonomous Vehicle System, Proposed to NSF

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