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President |   Institute of Transportation Engineers USF Student Chapter
  • Arranged and supervised the chapter events and officer duties for 2018-2020

  • Facilitated communication between advisors and officers, sponsors and members

  • Organized a trip to TRB Annual Meeting at Washington, DC and initialized skill workshops

Assistant Conference Chair  |   the 2nd Florida Student Leadership Summit Host Committee
2018 - 2019
  • Scheduled the three-day Summit to guarantee the availability for most attendances (~100)

  • Contacted speakers and coordinated their travel arrangements

  • Advertised and promoted the Summit through a self-developed website and social media

Vice President |   Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi Florida Gamma
2017 - 2018
  • Assigned officer responsibilities and oversaw whole chapter programs and events

  • Led the Bent Garden Renovation project and submitted a successful proposal of ~$10,000

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